
Peer-reviewed publications

34) Downie, A. E., Oyesola O., Barre R. S., Caudron Q., Chen Y.-H., Dennis E. J., Garnier R., Kiwanuka K., Menezes A., Navarrete D. J., Mondragon-Palomino O., Saunders J. B., Tokita C. K., Zaldana K., Cadwell K., Loke P. & Graham A. L. (2023) "Spatiotemporal-social association predicts immunological similarity in rewilded mice". Science Advances. 9:eadh8310. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adh8310). PDF

33) McCoy K. D., Toty C., Dupraz M., Tornos J., Gamble A., Garnier R., Descamps S. & Boulinier T. (2023) "Climate change in the Arctic: testing the poleward expansion of ticks and tick-borne diseases". Global Change Biology. 29:1729-1740. (doi: 10.1111/gcb.16617). PDF

32) Ritchie S., Park J., Banta J., Bowen C., McCarthy S., Wong E., Garnier R. & Beachkofsky T. (2023) "Shaving waivers in the United States Air Force and their impact on promotions of Black/African-American Members". Military Medicine. 188(1-2):e242-e247. (doi: 10.1093/milmed/usab272). PDF

31) Garnier R., Benetka J.R., Kraemer J. & Bansal S. (2021) "Socioeconomic Disparities in Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: Observational Study". Journal of Medical Internet Research. 23(1):e24591.  (doi: 10.2196/24591). PDF

30) Gamble A., Garnier R., Chambert T., Gimenez O. & Boulinier T. (2020) "Next Generation Serology: integrating cross-sectional and capture-recapture approaches to infer disease dynamics". Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 101:e01670. (doi: 10.1002/bes2.1670). PDF

29) Zipfel C. M.*, Garnier R.*, Kuney M. C. & Bansal S. (2020) "The landscape of childhood vaccine exemptions in the United States". Scientific Data. 7:401 (doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-00742-5). PDF * = equal contributions.

28) Garnier R.*, Nedell E. R.*, Omer S. B. & Bansal S. (2020) "Getting personal: how childhood vaccination policies shape the landscape of vaccine exemptions". Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 7:088. (doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa088). PDF * = equal contributions

27) Gamble A., Bazire R., Delord K., Barbraud C., Jaeger A., Gantelet H., Thibault E., Lebarbenchon C., Lagadec E., Tortosa Pablo, Weimerskirch H., Thiebot J.-B., Garnier R., Tornos J. & Boulinier T.  (2020) "Predator and scavenger movements among and within endangered seabird colonies: opportunities for pathogen spread". Journal of Applied Ecology.  57:367-378. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13531)  PDF

26) Gamble A., Garnier R., Chamber T., Gimenez Ol. & Boulinier T. (2020) "Next Generation Serology: integrating cross-sectional and capture-recapture approaches to infer disease dynamics". Ecology. 102:e02923. (doi: 10.1002/ecy.2923)  PDF

25) A. D. Hayward, Garnier R., Childs D. Z., Grenfell B. T., Watt K. A., Pilkington J. G., Pemberton J. M. & Graham A. L. (2019) "From population to individual host scale and back again: testing theories of infection and defence in the Soay sheep of St. Kilda". Book chapter. In: Wildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to Data and Application. Wilson K., Fenton A. & Tompkins D., Eds. Cambridge University Press. PDF

24) Glennon E., Becker D., Peel A. J., Garnier R., Suu-Ire R. D., Baker K., Gibson L., Hayman D. T. S., Wood J. L. N., Cunningham A. A. C., Plowright R. & Restif O. (2019) “What’s stirring in the reservoir? Modeling mechanisms of henipavirus circulation in fruit bat hosts”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 374:20190021. (doi: 10.1098/rstb.2019.0021). PDF

23) Carlson C. J., Zipfel C. M., Garnier R. & Bansal S. (2019) “Applying ecological network theory to re-estimate global viral diversity: host sharing matters”. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 3:1070-1075. (doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-0910-6). PDF

22) Gamble A., Garnier R., Jaeger A., Gantelet H., Thibault E., Tortosa P., Bourret V., Thiebot J.-B., Delord K., Weimerskirch H., Tornos J., Barbraud C. & Boulinier T. (in press) "Exposure of breeding albatrosses to the agent of avian cholera: dynamics of antibody levels and ecological implications". Oecologia. 189:939-949. (doi: 10.1007/s00442-019-04369-1). PDF

21) Peel A. J., Baker K. S., Hayman D. T. S., Broder C. C., Cunningham A. A., Fooks A. R., Garnier R., Wood J. L. N. & Restif O. (2018) "Support for viral persistence in bats from age-specific serology and models of maternal immunity". Scientific Reports. 8:3859. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22236-6). PDF

20) Bourret V., Gamble A., Tornos J., Jaeger A., Delord K., Barbraud C., Tortosa P., Kada S., Thiebot J.-B., Thibault E., Gantelet H., Weimerskirch H., Garnier R. & Boulinier T. (2018) "Vaccination protects endangered albatross chicks against avian cholera". Conservation Letters. 11:e12443 (doi: 10.1111/conl.12443). PDF

19) Glennon E. E., Restif O., Riesle Sbarbaro S., Garnier R., Cunningham A. A., Suu-Ire R. D., Osei-Amponsah R., Wood J. L. N. & Peel A. J. (2018) "Domesticated animals as hosts of henipaviruses and filoviruses: A systematic review". The Veterinary Journal. 233:25-34 (doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2017.12.024). PDF

18) Budischack S., Hansen C. B., Caudron Q., Garnier R., Kartzinel T. R., Pelczer I., Cressler C., van Leeuwen A. & Graham A. L. (2018) "Feeding immunity: physiological and behavioral responses to infection and resource limitation". Frontiers in Immunology. 8:1914 (doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01914). PDF

17) Garnier R., Bento A. I., Hansen C., Pilkington J. G., Pemberton J. P. & Graham A. L. (2017) "Physiological proteins in resource-limited herbivores experiencing a die-off".The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften). 104:68. (doi: 10.1007/s00114-017-1490-4). PDF

16) Caudron Q.*, Garnier R.*^, Pilkington J. G., Watt K. A., Hansen C., Grenfell B. T., Aboellail T. & Graham A. L. (2017) "Robust extraction of quantitative structural information from high-variance histological images of livers from necropsied Soay sheep". Royal Society Open Science. 4:170111. (doi: 10.1098/rsos.170111) (* = equal contribution; ^ = corresponding author). PDF

15) Garnier R., Ramos R., Sanz-Aguilar A., Poisbleau M., Weimerskirch H., Burthe S., Tornos J. & Boulinier T. (2017) "Interpreting ELISA analyses from wild animal samples: some recurrent issues and solutions". Functional Ecology. 31:2255-2262. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12942). PDF

14) Garnier R., Cheung C. K., Watt K. A., Pilkington J. G., Pemberton, J. M. & Graham A. L. (2017) "Joint associations of blood plasma proteins with overwinter survival of a large mammal" Ecology Letters. 20:175-183 (doi: 10.1111/ele.12719). PDF

13) Pigeault R., Garnier R., Rivero A. & Gandon S. (2016) "Evolution of transgenerational immunity in invertebrates" Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences.283:20161136 (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1136). PDF

12) Boulinier T., Kada S., Ponchon A., Dupraz M., Dietrich M., Gamble A., Bourret V., Duriez O., Bazire R., Tornos J., Tveraa T., Chambert T., Garnier R. & McCoy K. (2016) "Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infections agent circulation?". Integrative and Comparative Biology. 56:330-342 (doi:10.1093/icb/icw015). PDF

11) Garnier R., Grenfell B. T., Nisbet A. J., Matthews J. B. & Graham A. L. (2016) "Integrating immune mechanisms to model nematode worm burden: an example in sheep".Parasitology. 143:894-904 (doi: 10.1017/S0031182015000992). PDF

10) Ponchon A., Garnier R., Gremillet D. & Boulinier T. (2015) "Predicting population responses to environmental  change: the importance of considering informed dispersal strategies in  spatially structured population models". Diversity and Distributions. 21:88-100 (doi: 10.1111/ddi.12273). PDF

 9) Ramos R., Garnier R., Gonzales-Solis J. & Boulinier T. (2014) "Long antibody persistence and transgenerational transfer of immunity in a long-lived vertebrate". American Naturalist. 184:764-776 (doi: 10.1086/678400). PDF

8) Hayward A.D., Garnier R., Watt K. A., Pilkington J.G., Grenfell B.T., Matthews J.B., Pemberton  J.M., Nussey D.H. & Graham A.L. (2014) "Heritable, heterogeneous and costly resistance of sheep against nematodes and potential  feedbacks to epidemiological dynamics". American Naturalist. 184:S58-S76 (doi: 10.1086/676929). PDF

7) Garnier R. & Graham A. L. (2014) "Insights from parasite-specific serological tools in eco-immunology". Integrative and Comparative Biology. 54:363-376 (doi: 10.10193/icb/icu022). PDF

6) Arnal A., Gomez-Diaz E., Cerda-Cuella M., Lecollinet S., Pearce-Duvet J., Busquets N., Garcia-Bocanegra I., Pages N., Vittecoq M., Hammouda A., Garnier R., Ramos R., Selmi S., Gonzalez-Solis J., Jourdain E. & Boulinier T. (2014) "Circulation of a Meaban-like virus in yellow-legged gulls and seabird ticks in the western Mediterranean basin".PLoS ONE. 9:e89601 (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089601). PDF

5) Garnier R., Gandon S., Harding K. H. & Boulinier T. (2014) "Length of intervals between epidemics: evaluating the influence of maternal transfer of immunity". Ecology and Evolution. 4:568-575. (doi: 10.1002/ece3.955). PDF

4) Garnier R., Boulinier T. & Gandon S. (2013) "Evolution of the temporal persistence of immune protection". Biology Letters. 9:20130017 (doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0017). PDF 

3) Garnier R., Gandon S., Chaval Y., Charbonnel N. & Boulinier T. (2013) “Evidence of cross-transfer of maternal antibodies through allosuckling in a mammal: potential importance for behavioral ecology”. Mammalian Biology.  78:361-364 (doi: 10.1016/j.mambio.2012.11.004) .  PDF 

Highlighted in Princeton Journal Watch

2) Garnier R., Boulinier T. & Gandon S. (2012) “Coevolution between maternal transfer of immunity and other resistance strategies against pathogens”. Evolution. 66:3067-3078 (doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01665.x).  PDF

1) Garnier R., Ramos R., Staszewski V., Militão T.,  Lobato E., Gonzalez-Solis J. & Boulinier T. (2012) “Maternal  antibody persistence: a neglected life history trait with implications  from albatross conservation to comparative immunology”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences. 279: 2033-2041. (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.2277).  PDF


5) Carlson, C. J., Garnier R., Tiu A., Luby S. & Bansal S.; "Strategic vaccine stockpiles for regional epidemics of emerging viruses: a geospatial modeling framework". MedRxiv.  24301505. (doi: 10.1101/2024.01.19.24301505). PDF

4) Downie, A. E., Oyesola O., Barre R. S., Caudron Q., Chen Y.-H., Dennis E. J., Garnier R., Kiwanuka K., Menezes A., Navarrete D. J., Mondragon-Palomino O., Saunders J. B., Tokita C. K., Zaldana K., Cadwell K., Loke P. & Graham A. L.; "Social association predicts immunological similarity in rewilded mice". BioRxiv. 532825. (doi: 10.1101/2023.03.15.532825). PDF

3) McCoy K. D., Toty C., Dupraz M., Tornos J., Gamble A., Garnier R., Descamps S. & Boulinier T.; "Climate change in the Arctic: testing the poleward expansion of ticks and tick-borne diseases". BioRxiv. 500759. (doi: 10.1101/2022.07.20.500759). PDF

2) Nedell E. R.*, Garnier R.*, Omer S. B. & Bansal S.; "Getting personal: how vaccination exemptions shape herd immunity". BioRxiv. 500553. (doi:10.1101/500553) (* = equal contribution). PDF 

1) Garnier R., Bento A. I., Rohani P., Omer S. B. & Bansal S.; "Feeding the disparities: the geography and trends of breastfeeding in the United States". BioRxiv. 451435. (doi: 10.1101/451435).  PDF