
Data analysis and visualization using Python (pandas, numpy, scipy, statsmodels, fbprophet, matplotlib, seaborn) and R (tidyverse, ggplot2). Analysis driven by scientific critical thinking and using tools to ensure reproducibility of analysis and adequate version control. Obtained Google Data Analytics Certificate.

Teamwork in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural teams. Leading by example of dedication to goal achievement and integrity, with cultural competency. Capable of maintaining collaborations over long periods of time. Experience organizing and leading fieldwork in remote and resource-limited settings, and  setting up and executing animal experiments (including all regulatory and scientific aspects). 

Experienced writer of articles in international journals and reports to stakeholders. Used to performing under short deadlines.

Reviewer (articles)  for Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, Evolution, Functional Ecology, The Auk, Parasite Immunology, American Naturalist, Integrative and Comparative Biology, PLoS ONE, Journal of Avian Biology, Scientific Reports, PeerJ, Royal Society Open Science, Ecology and Evolution, Oikos, Trends in Parasitology, Evolutionary Applications, Evolution Medicine & Public Health, Journal of Animal Ecology, International Journal for Parasitology, PLoS Computational Biology, Frontiers in Zoology, Biological Reviews, Journal of Immunological Methods, Epidemiology and Infection, Acta Tropica, Biological Conservation, BioEssays, Ecology Letters.

Communication to a wide range of audiences, from technical scientific audiences to non-specialists. Ability to clearly explain complex concepts. 

Professional memberships: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Military Spouses in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (SMSS).